Florida Hit by Golfball to Baseball Size Hailstorm in Four Corners

Florida Hit by Golfball to Baseball Size Hailstorm in Four Corners

Imagine driving through Four Corners, Florida, when suddenly you find yourself caught in a hailstorm like no other. Hailstones the size of golf balls to baseballs come crashing down with incredible force, leaving you in awe and a little bit afraid. The video by RVLivingLIFE captures the intensity of this unusual weather event, showcasing the size of the hailstones and the damage they can cause. As you watch the video, you can’t help but wonder about the residents in Intercession City and Four Corners, and how they are coping with this unexpected natural phenomenon.

Introduction: Florida experiences a severe hailstorm

Florida recently experienced a severe hailstorm that caused significant damage in the Four Corners area and Intercession City. This unusual weather event caught many residents off guard and left a path of destruction in its wake. Video footage captured during the storm showcases the intensity of the hail and its impact on various structures, including a recreational vehicle (RV). The size of the hailstones ranged from golfball to baseball size, causing concerns about potential damage and injuries. This article will explore the location of the hailstorm, its development and duration, and the aftermath of the storm.

Video footage shows the impact of the hailstorm on an RV

One of the most striking pieces of evidence showcasing the severity of the hailstorm is the video footage that captured its impact on an RV. The footage reveals hailstones pelting the vehicle and the intense sound they made upon impact. Comparisons were made using music as a reference, highlighting the hardness and intensity of the hailstones. Observations from the video leave viewers amazed and concerned about the potentially destructive nature of the hailstorm.

Concerns about damage and injuries

The size and intensity of the hailstones raise legitimate concerns about the potential damage caused by the storm. Large hailstones have the potential to break windows, damage roofs, and dent vehicles. Structures in the path of the storm, including homes and businesses, are at risk of sustaining significant harm. Additionally, individuals caught outside during the hailstorm faced the possibility of being hit by these large projectiles, which could result in serious injuries. It is essential to evaluate the extent of the damage and possible injuries caused by this hailstorm.

Location: Hailstorm occurs in Four Corners and Intercession City

The hailstorm affected the Four Corners area and Intercession City, both located in Florida. Four Corners is known for being the only place in the United States where four states meet at a single point – Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee. Intercession City is a small community situated near the border of Osceola and Polk counties. The geographical significance of these locations adds to the interest and impact of the hailstorm.

Storm development: Hailstorms can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms

Hailstorms, like the one experienced in Florida, can develop rapidly from severe thunderstorms. This development occurs due to several factors, including moisture, instability in the atmosphere, and strong updrafts. When these elements combine, thunderstorms can quickly intensify, resulting in heavy rain, lightning, strong winds, and hail. It is crucial to monitor weather patterns and forecasts to stay informed about the potential for severe thunderstorms and hailstorms.

Rainfall: Heavy rain accompanies the hailstorm

In addition to the hail, the Florida hailstorm was accompanied by heavy rainfall. The storm brought a significant amount of rain to the affected areas, exacerbating the potential for flooding and water damage. The intensity of the rainfall added to the overall severity of the weather event and increased concerns about the impact on local areas, including roads, drainage systems, and structures.

Size of hail: Golfball to baseball size hail reported

Witness reports and video evidence confirm that hailstones during the storm ranged in size from golfball to baseball size. These large hailstones were not only visually impressive but also posed a significant threat to structures, vehicles, and individuals. By comparing the size of the hailstones to common objects, such as golf balls and baseballs, we can better understand the potential for damage caused by these projectiles.

Impact on populated areas: Suburbs and heavily populated areas affected

The hailstorm wreaked havoc on suburbs and heavily populated areas, amplifying the potential for damage and disruption. Residential neighborhoods, business districts, and public spaces were all affected by the destructive nature of the storm. The concentration of people and infrastructure in these areas makes them particularly vulnerable during severe weather events, adding to the importance of preparedness and safety measures.

Notification from Weather Services: Severe thunderstorm warning issued

Weather services issued severe thunderstorm warnings prior to the hailstorm, notifying residents and communities about the impending severe weather conditions. The notifications emphasized the significance of the storm, urging individuals to take precautions and stay informed. Severe thunderstorm warnings serve as an essential tool in alerting the public to potentially dangerous weather events, allowing them to take necessary actions to protect themselves and their property.

Hail and rotation: Hail falls as rotation is observed

During the hailstorm, rotation was observed as hail fell from the sky, adding to the intensity and unpredictability of the weather event. The presence of rotation indicates the potential for more severe weather phenomena, such as tornadoes. While tornadoes were not reported during this particular storm, the rotation of hail adds to the dynamic and severe nature of the weather conditions experienced in Florida.

Eyewitness account of the hailstorm

Eyewitness accounts provide valuable insights into the hailstorm and its impact on individuals and their surroundings. Individuals who experienced the storm firsthand recount the sounds, sight, and force of the hailstones. These accounts offer a personal perspective on the event, enhancing our understanding of its impact on people’s lives and the overall community.

Survival of solar panels and other structures

Despite the hailstorm’s destructive nature, there were instances where structures, such as solar panels, managed to withstand the onslaught. The survival of these structures raises questions about their resilience and highlights the importance of proper installation and design to withstand severe weather events. Understanding how certain structures withstand hailstorms can inform future design and construction practices, ensuring greater durability and protection.

Duration of the hailstorm: Storm lasts for 10 minutes

The hailstorm lasted for approximately 10 minutes, causing considerable damage within that short timeframe. The brevity of the storm does not diminish its impact; instead, it demonstrates the sudden and intense nature of severe weather events like hailstorms. Even a short duration can leave a lasting impact on individuals, communities, and the environment.

Remnants of hail: Evidence of hail in the grass and on the road

After the storm passed, remnants of hail were visible in the grass and on the roads. The hailstones, having fallen with such force, left behind evidence of their presence. The sight of hail scattered across the landscape serves as a reminder of the storm’s intensity, even after it has dissipated. These remnants can also be analyzed and studied to further understand the characteristics and behavior of hailstones.

Conclusion: Severe hailstorm causes significant damage in Florida

In conclusion, the severe hailstorm that hit Florida’s Four Corners area and Intercession City caused significant damage and raised concerns about potential injuries. The hailstones ranged in size from golfball to baseball size, posing a threat to structures and individuals caught in the storm’s path. The impact on populated areas, combined with heavy rainfall, heightened the severity of the weather event. It is crucial to acknowledge the potential consequences of severe weather events and emphasize the importance of preparedness, safety measures, and resilient infrastructure in minimizing damage and protecting lives during these events.

Witness the Spectacular Launch of Falcon Heavy

Witness the Spectacular Launch of Falcon Heavy

Have you ever witnessed the sheer power and majesty of the Falcon Heavy launch? If not, prepare to be amazed. In this article, we bring you an incredible video captured by RVLivingLIFE, documenting the breathtaking spectacle of Falcon Heavy soaring into the heavens. Hold on tight as you embark on a thrilling journey through the sights and sounds of this magnificent launch.

From the moment the engines ignite, propelling the colossal rocket upwards, to the dynamic flames and billowing plumes of smoke, this video captures every exhilarating second of the Falcon Heavy’s ascent. As the spacecraft conquers gravity and gradually disappears into the depths of the atmosphere, your eyes will be transfixed by the beauty and awe of this extraordinary event. So sit back, relax, and get ready to witness the unforgettable launch of Falcon Heavy as never before.


Introduction to Falcon Heavy

Welcome to the exciting world of space exploration! Today, we are diving into the captivating topic of the Falcon Heavy rocket. Developed by SpaceX, Falcon Heavy is a next-generation launch vehicle designed to deliver hefty payloads into space with unmatched precision and efficiency.

Importance of the Launch

The launch of Falcon Heavy marked a significant milestone in the aerospace industry. With its immense payload capacity and revolutionary design, this powerful rocket opened up new possibilities for space exploration, satellite deployment, and ultimately, the future colonization of other planets. The successful launch and subsequent missions of Falcon Heavy have showcased SpaceX’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of space technology.

Brief History of Falcon Heavy

Before we delve into the specifications and details, let’s take a moment to appreciate the journey that led to the creation of Falcon Heavy. SpaceX’s founder, Elon Musk, envisioned a rocket that could transport large payloads to space affordably and reliably. Drawing from the success of the Falcon 9 rocket, the idea of Falcon Heavy began to take shape. After years of innovative engineering and rigorous testing, Falcon Heavy made its much-anticipated debut in 2018, captivating the world with its sheer power and elegance.

Falcon Heavy Specifications

Rocket Configuration

Falcon Heavy boasts a unique configuration that sets it apart from any other rocket on the planet. It features three cores, each consisting of nine powerful Merlin engines, for a total of 27 engines providing tremendous thrust. The two side boosters are derived from the Falcon 9 rocket and can be recovered and reused, further enhancing the cost-effectiveness of Falcon Heavy.

Payload Capacity

One of the most impressive aspects of Falcon Heavy is its unparalleled payload capacity. This behemoth can loft an astounding 64 metric tons (141,000 pounds) into low Earth orbit (LEO). For geostationary transfer orbit (GTO), it can carry an impressive 26 metric tons (58,000 pounds). These capabilities make Falcon Heavy a prime choice for deploying large satellites, scientific instruments, and even future exploratory missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

Maximum Thrust

When it comes to raw power, Falcon Heavy reigns supreme. Its combined thrust at liftoff is a staggering 5.1 million pounds, making it one of the most powerful operational rockets in existence. To put this into perspective, it produces more than twice the thrust of any other rocket currently on the market. Talk about an adrenaline rush!

Pre-Launch Preparations

Rocket Assembly

Before Falcon Heavy can roar into space, it undergoes an intricate process of assembly. The three cores, each weighing over 50 metric tons, must be meticulously integrated to form the complete rocket. This process demands utmost precision and teamwork from the dedicated engineers and technicians at SpaceX.

Checklist and Tests

Just like any complex system, Falcon Heavy undergoes a thorough checklist and testing regimen to ensure every component is in optimal condition and ready for launch. These tests encompass a wide range of systems, including avionics, propulsion, communication, and structural integrity. SpaceX leaves no stone unturned when it comes to ensuring the safety and success of their missions.

Weather Conditions

Weather plays a crucial role in determining the launch readiness of Falcon Heavy. SpaceX closely monitors various meteorological parameters, such as wind speed and direction, cloud cover, and lightning activity. Launching a rocket into unfavorable weather conditions can jeopardize not only the mission but also the safety of the crew and surrounding areas. Therefore, it is vital to have a clear and relatively calm forecast before liftoff.

Countdown and Liftoff

T-0 and Ignition

As the countdown clock reaches the final moments, there is an undeniable sense of anticipation and excitement. At T-0, the ignition sequence commences, and the Falcon Heavy’s powerful Merlin engines roar to life, filling the surrounding area with an awe-inspiring display of raw power and precision engineering.

Liftoff and Initial Stage Separation

With an immense thrust generated by the engines, the Falcon Heavy gracefully lifts off the launch pad, rising into the sky with grandeur. As the rocket ascends, the aerodynamic pressure decreases, allowing the engines to operate at maximum efficiency. After a few minutes of flight, the two side boosters are jettisoned, making their way back to Earth for an epic controlled landing.

Burn Sequence

During the ascent phase, the Falcon Heavy follows a meticulously planned burn sequence. This sequence involves the sequential firing of the center core and the second stage Merlin engine, efficiently utilizing the remaining propellant while gradually accelerating the rocket to reach the desired orbit. This burn sequence is crucial to achieving the precise trajectory necessary for successful mission objectives.

Boosters and Core Stage

Booster Landing Attempts

One of the most remarkable feats of Falcon Heavy is its capability to recover and reuse the boosters. After separation, the two side boosters perform a dazzling dance as they execute a series of precisely choreographed maneuvers to make their way back to Earth. Equipped with grid fins for aerodynamic control and powerful retrograde rockets for deceleration, these boosters have proven their ability to land autonomously on specially designed landing pads or drone ships. These graceful landings not only reduce the cost of space missions but also pave the way for a more sustainable future in space exploration.

Thrust Vector Control

To ensure precise control and maneuverability, the Merlin engines of Falcon Heavy utilize a technology called thrust vector control (TVC). This system allows the engine’s exhaust to be redirected, providing the necessary thrust in different directions. By adjusting the angle and intensity of the exhaust flow, Falcon Heavy can perform complex maneuvers while in flight, increasing its versatility and enabling more ambitious mission profiles.

Reusability Goals

One of the primary objectives of Falcon Heavy is to advance the concept of rocket reusability. By recovering and refurbishing the boosters, SpaceX is pioneering a new era of space exploration that fosters sustainable practices and reduces the overall cost of accessing space. This remarkable achievement has catapulted Falcon Heavy into the forefront of the industry and is testament to the ingenuity and determination of the SpaceX team.

Fairing Separation and Payload Deployment

Fairing Jettison

The fairing, composed of two halves, encapsulates the payload during ascent to protect it from the harsh environment of space. However, once Falcon Heavy reaches a predetermined altitude, the fairing halves are no longer needed and are jettisoned. These fairing halves can potentially be recovered using special parachutes to ensure their reusability, albeit in a slightly different manner than the boosters.

Starman and Roadster Release

Falcon Heavy’s inaugural payload was no ordinary one. In a truly iconic moment, SpaceX chose to send a Tesla Roadster, with “Starman” at the helm, into space. As the fairings gently separate from the rocket, they unveil the breathtaking sight of a red sports car floating amidst the darkness of space, capturing the curiosity and imagination of people around the world.

Destination of Payload

The trajectory of Falcon Heavy’s payload depends on the specific mission objectives. In the case of the Starman and Roadster, the payload was launched on an elliptical orbit that would take it past the orbit of Mars. While no specific destination beyond Mars was intended, this mission served as a demonstration of Falcon Heavy’s capabilities and opened the door to exciting possibilities for future interplanetary travel.

Propellant Crossfeed and Upper Stage

Crossfeed Demonstration

Early in its development, Falcon Heavy was designed to incorporate a unique feature: propellant crossfeed. This concept involves transferring fuel from the side boosters to the center core during flight, maximizing the efficiency of the rocket. While propellant crossfeed was a planned capability, SpaceX ultimately decided to focus on other technical advancements, opting not to utilize it in Falcon Heavy’s operational missions.

Second Stage Ignition

Once the boosters have completed their job and are jettisoned, the second stage ignites to continue the journey into space. The Merlin Vacuum engine, specifically optimized for the vacuum conditions of space, provides the thrust needed to propel the payload into orbit or on an interplanetary trajectory. This ignition marks a critical phase in the mission as Falcon Heavy transitions from the lower atmosphere to the vast expanse of space.

Final Injection Tilt

To achieve the desired orbit, the Falcon Heavy’s second stage performs a controlled tilt known as the final injection tilt. This maneuver adjusts the trajectory of the rocket, aligning it with the intended orbit. By precisely calculating and executing this tilt, the spacecraft can optimize fuel usage and ensure optimal positioning of the payload.

Spacecraft Recovery

Booster Landings

Following liftoff, Falcon Heavy’s side boosters execute a series of carefully choreographed maneuvers to make their way back to solid ground. Utilizing their grid fins for aerodynamic control and autonomous landing software for precision, the boosters perform either vertical landings on landing pads at the launch site or, for more distant missions, precision landings on drone ships stationed in the ocean. These remarkable and precise landings have become a hallmark of Falcon Heavy’s success.

Core Stage Landing

While the side boosters gracefully return to Earth, the center core, completing its job, heads for its own landing zone. Due to the high energy requirements of lofting the payload into space, this core stage often performs a reentry burn to mitigate the kinetic energy and facilitate a safe landing. Just like its counterparts, the center core aims for a designated landing pad or drone ship, showcasing SpaceX’s commitment to reusability even for the most demanding missions.

Recovery Team Operations

Once the boosters and core stage have successfully landed, the recovery team springs into action. Equipped with specialized equipment and expertise, the team works meticulously to secure the rocket components and prepare them for transport back to SpaceX facilities. This process allows for thorough inspections and refurbishments, ensuring that the recovered hardware can be integrated into future missions.

Mission Success and Achievements

Successful Payload Deployment

The ultimate objective of any launch is the successful deployment of the payload into its intended orbit. With Falcon Heavy’s precise navigation and high reliability, mission success rates have been exemplary. Whether deploying satellites for communication, conducting scientific experiments, or delivering supplies to astronauts aboard the International Space Station, Falcon Heavy continues to deliver payloads with exceptional accuracy.

Accuracy of Trajectory

The accuracy with which Falcon Heavy can deliver its payload to the desired orbit is a testament to the relentless pursuit of perfection by SpaceX. The trajectory calculations and precise execution of maneuvers during ascent and orbit insertion contribute to minimizing fuel consumption and orbital adjustments. This accuracy not only increases the probability of mission success but also demonstrates the remarkable capabilities of Falcon Heavy.

Achievement Highlights

Since its inaugural flight, Falcon Heavy has achieved several notable milestones. It holds the record for the highest payload capacity of any operational rocket, opening up possibilities for larger and more ambitious missions. The successful landing and recovery of boosters and core stages have set new standards for rocket reusability, revolutionizing the economics of space travel. Falcon Heavy’s technological advancements and dedication to sustainability have garnered global recognition and inspired future generations of space explorers.


Summary of the Spectacular Launch

In summary, Falcon Heavy’s launch is nothing short of spectacular. From ignition to payload deployment, every aspect of this rocket has been meticulously engineered to achieve optimal performance and efficiency. The awe-inspiring power, versatility, and groundbreaking reusability of Falcon Heavy have already made it an icon in the world of spaceflight.

Significance of Falcon Heavy’s Success

The success of Falcon Heavy represents a significant leap forward in space exploration and technology. By demonstrating the viability of reusable rockets, SpaceX has paved the way for more frequent and cost-effective access to space. Falcon Heavy’s vast payload capacity has expanded the possibilities for scientific research, commercial ventures, and the pursuit of bold missions previously limited by weight constraints.

So, embrace the wonder and excitement of Falcon Heavy and join us as we witness the ongoing journey towards the stars. The future of space exploration has never been more thrilling, and the capability and achievements of Falcon Heavy are sure to leave an indelible mark on our quest to unlock the mysteries of the universe.

Saving Big on Diesel with Open Roads Discount Program!

Saving Big on Diesel with Open Roads Discount Program!

Hey there! It’s day two of our travels, and I’m here to tell you about an awesome way to save big on diesel. If you haven’t heard of it yet, let me introduce you to the Open Roads Discount Program. Trust me, if you’re using diesel and not taking advantage of this program, you’re missing out on major savings.

Picture this: you pull up to a gas station, and the sign reads $4.38 for diesel with cash and $4.43 with credit. But thanks to the Open Roads Discount Program, I just paid $1.05.85 instead of $1.39.88! Talk about a whopping saving of $38. And that’s not even all, because above it says a savings of $34.40. So, why waste money when you can keep more in your pocket? Join the Open Roads Discount Program now and start enjoying those incredible savings on your journey!

Benefits of the Open Roads Discount Program

Savings on fuel costs

The Open Roads Discount Program offers significant savings on fuel costs, making it a valuable resource for frequent travelers. By enrolling in the program, you can enjoy discounts on both gasoline and diesel purchases. These savings can add up over time, helping you to reduce your overall fuel expenses.

Convenience of cash and credit options

One of the key benefits of the Open Roads Discount Program is the convenience it offers when it comes to payment options. Whether you prefer to pay with cash or credit, the program has you covered. Participating gas stations offer discounted prices for both cash and credit transactions, allowing you to choose the payment method that suits you best.

Easy enrollment process

Enrolling in the Open Roads Discount Program is quick and simple. The user-friendly online registration process makes it easy for anyone to sign up and start enjoying the benefits right away. With just a few steps, you can become a member and start saving on your fuel purchases.

How the Open Roads Discount Program Works

Overview of the program

The Open Roads Discount Program works by offering discounts on fuel purchases made at participating gas stations. Once you become a member, you can present your membership card or provide your registered phone number at the pump to redeem the discount. The discounted price will be applied automatically to your purchase.

Percentage of discount

The exact percentage of discount offered by the Open Roads Discount Program may vary depending on the participating gas station and current market conditions. However, members can typically expect to save a significant amount on every fuel purchase. The program consistently strives to negotiate the best possible discounts for its members.

Program fees

To keep the Open Roads Discount Program running smoothly and to cover administrative costs, there is a small program fee associated with each discount. The program fee is calculated as a percentage of the discount you receive on each fuel purchase. Despite the program fee, members still enjoy substantial savings on their fuel costs.

Finding Participating Gas Stations

List of participating stations

The Open Roads Discount Program has a wide network of participating gas stations across the country. By checking the program’s website or contacting their customer service, you can access a comprehensive list of all the stations that offer discounts through the program. This list is regularly updated to ensure accuracy and provide members with the most up-to-date information.

Online station finder tool

To make it even easier for members to find participating gas stations, the Open Roads Discount Program provides an online station finder tool. This tool allows you to enter your location or choose a specific area to view nearby stations that offer discounts. It’s a convenient and efficient way to plan your routes and make sure you never miss out on savings.

In-app station locator

For added convenience, the Open Roads Discount Program also offers an in-app station locator. Simply download the program’s mobile app and use the station locator feature to find participating gas stations wherever you are. This feature is especially useful for travelers who rely on their smartphones for navigation and information.

How to Sign Up for the Open Roads Discount Program

Online registration process

Signing up for the Open Roads Discount Program is a straightforward process that can be completed online. Visit the program’s website, navigate to the registration page, and provide the required information. This typically includes your name, contact details, and payment information for the program fee. Once you submit your registration, you will receive your membership card or a digital version on your phone.

Required information

To enroll in the Open Roads Discount Program, you will need to provide certain information during the registration process. This may include your full name, address, phone number, and email. Additionally, you may need to provide a valid credit card or bank account information for the program fee payments.

Membership options

The Open Roads Discount Program offers different membership options to cater to various needs and preferences. These options may include monthly or yearly subscription plans that determine the frequency of the program fee payments. Choose the membership option that suits your usage patterns and budget, and start enjoying the benefits of the program.

Using the Open Roads Discount Program at the Pump

Cash vs Credit pricing

One of the unique features of the Open Roads Discount Program is the availability of discounted pricing for both cash and credit transactions. This flexibility allows you to choose the payment method that best fits your needs. Whether you prefer the convenience of paying with a credit card or the budgeting benefits of using cash, you can still take advantage of the program’s discounts.

Steps to redeem discount

To redeem the discount at the pump, simply present your membership card or provide your registered phone number at the designated spot. The participating gas station will automatically apply the discounted price to your fuel purchase. It’s a hassle-free process that takes only a few seconds, ensuring a seamless experience for program members.

Savings examples

The Open Roads Discount Program enables members to save a significant amount on their fuel purchases. For example, if the regular price for a gallon of diesel is $4.38 for cash and $4.43 for credit, a program member may only pay $3.85 for cash and $3.90 for credit. These savings can quickly add up, especially for frequent travelers or those with high fuel consumption.

Additional Benefits of the Open Roads Discount Program

Membership perks and rewards

In addition to fuel discounts, the Open Roads Discount Program offers members various perks and rewards. These may include exclusive deals on travel-related products and services, discounts on car rentals, and access to partner programs that provide additional savings. Members can take advantage of these benefits to enhance their overall travel experience and maximize their savings.

Discounts on other travel expenses

The Open Roads Discount Program is not limited to fuel discounts alone. It also offers members discounts on other travel expenses, such as lodging, dining, and entertainment. By taking advantage of these offers, members can further reduce the overall cost of their trips, making each journey more affordable and enjoyable.

Opportunities for partner discounts

Through strategic partnerships with other businesses, the Open Roads Discount Program provides members with opportunities for additional discounts. These partnerships may include airlines, rental car companies, and travel agencies, among others. By leveraging these partnerships, members can access exclusive promotions and bonuses that further enhance their savings.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to receive the Open Roads discount card?

Once you complete the registration process for the Open Roads Discount Program, you can expect to receive your membership card within a few weeks. However, some members may receive a digital version of the card on their phone immediately after registration. This digital version can be used to start redeeming discounts right away.

What happens if I lose my discount card?

If you happen to misplace your Open Roads discount card, don’t worry. Simply contact the program’s customer service and request a replacement card. They will guide you through the process and ensure that you can continue enjoying the benefits of the program without any interruption.

Can I use the program at any gas station?

While the Open Roads Discount Program has a vast network of participating gas stations, it’s important to note that not all gas stations offer discounts through the program. To find gas stations that accept the program, you can use the online station finder tool or the in-app station locator. These resources will help you identify the nearest participating stations for your convenience.

Tips for Maximizing Savings with the Open Roads Discount Program

Plan your routes around participating gas stations

To maximize your savings with the Open Roads Discount Program, it’s advisable to plan your routes around the participating gas stations. By familiarizing yourself with the locations of these stations, you can ensure that you always have access to discounted fuel prices. This strategic approach can lead to significant long-term savings.

Combine discounts and promotions

Don’t be afraid to combine the discounts and promotions offered by the Open Roads Discount Program with other deals or coupons you may come across. By stacking these savings opportunities, you can multiply your benefits and enjoy even greater discounts on your travel expenses. Be on the lookout for special promotions and take advantage of them whenever possible.

Monitor fuel prices and use the program strategically

Keep a close eye on fuel prices and use the Open Roads Discount Program strategically. If you notice that prices are higher than usual, it might be a good time to take advantage of the program’s discounts. On the other hand, if prices are relatively low, you may choose to delay your fuel purchase and wait for a more opportune moment. Being mindful of market trends can help you make the most of the program’s benefits.

Comparing the Open Roads Discount Program to Competitors

Analysis of other fuel discount programs

To provide a comprehensive overview, it’s important to compare the Open Roads Discount Program to other fuel discount programs on the market. By analyzing factors such as discounts offered, membership fees, and additional benefits, we can gain a better understanding of how the program stands out from its competitors.

Pros and cons of different programs

Each fuel discount program has its pros and cons, and it’s essential to consider them before making a decision. By weighing factors such as discount percentages, program fees, participating locations, and additional perks, you can determine which program aligns best with your needs and travel preferences.

Success stories from Open Roads members

To showcase the effectiveness of the Open Roads Discount Program, it can be helpful to share success stories from satisfied members. These stories can highlight the significant savings and benefits that members have experienced using the program. Real-life examples can provide valuable insights and inspire others to take advantage of the program’s offerings.


The Open Roads Discount Program is a valuable resource for travelers looking to save on fuel costs and other travel expenses. With its convenient cash and credit options, easy enrollment process, and extensive network of participating gas stations, the program offers a hassle-free experience for members. By taking advantage of the discounts, perks, and partner offers, users can significantly reduce their travel expenses and enhance their overall journey. Whether you’re planning a road trip or commuting daily, the Open Roads Discount Program is here to help you save and make your travel experiences more enjoyable.

The Benefits of Using a Water Softener: Improved Water Quality

The Benefits of Using a Water Softener: Improved Water Quality

Have you ever wondered if using a water softener is worth it? We were curious too. We’ve heard all the feedback about how it improves the quality of the water you drink, shower with, and use for cleaning. Not to mention the benefits it has on your appliances. Recently, we put the “On The Go Portable 16,000 Grain RV Water Softener” to the test and the results were surprising.

If you’re considering purchasing a water softener, you can save 10 percent at the official site of On the go by using the coupon code: RVLivingLIFE. Just visit https://www.portablewatersoftener.com

By the way, if you’re interested in keeping track of your water usage, you might find this water meter helpful: https://amzn.to/3Ovz1w1

Please keep in mind that some of the links provided may be affiliate links. This means that if you click on them or visit any associated social media sites, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Your support is greatly appreciated. In the video review titled “On the Go Water Softener Review” by RVLivingLIFE, the reviewer explores the benefits of using a water softener, specifically the On The Go Portable 16,000 Grain RV Water Softener. They test the water hardness in different locations in their RV and find it to be quite high. The installation process is described, and the water softener’s working mechanism is explained. Two weeks later, they test the water again and find that all three locations have zero hardness, indicating that the water softener is working effectively. The reviewer expresses their satisfaction with the product and recommends it, mentioning that they wish they had installed it sooner.

The reviewer emphasizes the benefits of using a water softener, such as improved drinking water, better water for showering and cleaning, and enhanced appliance longevity. They provide a coupon code for viewers to use if they are interested in purchasing the On The Go water softener. The video review serves as a comprehensive and honest assessment, highlighting the positive impact a water softener can have on water quality and overall RV living experience.


Welcome to the comprehensive review of the “On The Go Portable 16,000 Grain RV Water Softener.” In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using a water softener, provide a detailed review of the On The Go product, test the water hardness in different locations, explain the installation process, explore the working principle of a water softener, conduct a re-testing of water quality, and conclude with a reviewer’s satisfaction and recommendation.

Benefits of Using a Water Softener

Reduces Mineral Buildup

One of the primary benefits of using a water softener is its ability to reduce mineral buildup. Hard water, which contains high levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium, can leave behind deposits on various surfaces, including appliances, sinks, and showerheads. By softening the water, the On The Go water softener helps prevent these deposits, making cleaning and maintenance easier.

Extends the Lifespan of Appliances

Hard water can cause damage to appliances over time due to mineral buildup and scale formation. By using a water softener, you can significantly extend the lifespan of your appliances. The On The Go water softener helps prevent scale formation, reducing the risk of clogged pipes and malfunctioning appliances.

Improves Water Heating Efficiency

When water is heated, the minerals in hard water can solidify and create a layer of scale on heating elements. This scale can reduce the efficiency of water heaters, leading to higher energy consumption and increased utility bills. With the use of a water softener, such as the On The Go product, water heating efficiency is improved, resulting in energy savings and lower costs.

Enhances Soap and Detergent Performance

Hard water can interfere with the effectiveness of soaps and detergents, leading to excessive usage and reduced cleaning power. By softening the water, the On The Go water softener enhances the performance of soaps and detergents, ensuring cleaner dishes, laundry, and overall improved cleaning outcomes.

Reduces Skin and Hair Dryness

One of the noticeable benefits of using a water softener is its positive impact on skin and hair health. Hard water can leave a residue on the skin and hair, causing dryness, irritation, and even dullness. Softened water, on the other hand, helps retain moisture, resulting in softer, smoother skin and shinier, healthier-looking hair.

Prevents Scale Formation on Pipes and Fixtures

Hard water can lead to scale buildup within pipes and fixtures over time. This scale can restrict water flow, decrease water pressure, and even cause plumbing issues. The On The Go water softener prevents scale formation, ensuring optimal water flow and reducing the need for costly plumbing repairs.

Reduces Plumbing Repair Costs

By preventing mineral buildup and scale formation, a water softener like the On The Go product can help reduce plumbing repair costs. The improved condition of pipes, fixtures, and water-using appliances minimizes the risk of leaks, clogs, and other plumbing issues, saving you both time and money.

Reduces Energy Consumption

As mentioned earlier, a water softener improves water heating efficiency. By reducing the buildup of scale on heating elements, the need for heating systems to work harder or use more energy is alleviated. This energy-saving feature of the On The Go water softener not only reduces utility bills but also contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Improves the Taste and Smell of Water

Hard water can sometimes have an unpleasant taste and odor due to the minerals it contains. Softening the water with the On The Go water softener removes these minerals, resulting in better-tasting and better-smelling water for drinking, cooking, and other household purposes.

Eliminates Water Spots and Streaks

If you’ve ever noticed water spots and streaks on your dishes, glassware, or even car windows after they dry, it’s likely due to hard water. The minerals in hard water can leave behind these unsightly marks. However, by using a water softener, such as the On The Go product, you can eliminate water spots and streaks, leaving your surfaces sparkling clean.

Review of the On The Go Portable 16,000 Grain RV Water Softener

Overview of the Product

The On The Go Portable 16,000 Grain RV Water Softener is specifically designed for recreational vehicles to provide an efficient and convenient solution for water softening. With its compact and portable design, this water softener is easy to install and use, making it ideal for RV owners seeking improved water quality on their travels.

Expectations for Improved Water Quality

Before testing the On The Go water softener, the reviewer expressed their anticipation for improved water quality. They had heard about the various benefits of using a water softener, such as reduced mineral buildup, enhanced cleaning capabilities, and better tasting water. With these expectations in mind, the reviewer eagerly embarked on testing the product.

Testing Water Hardness in Different Locations

Measurement of Water Hardness

To determine the hardness of the water in their RV, the reviewer used a water test kit. They collected water samples from three different locations: the main faucet, the drinking water source, and the fridge water dispenser. Each sample was subjected to the water hardness test and measured in terms of particles per gallon, with a higher number indicating harder water.

High Water Hardness Levels in RV

The testing revealed that the water in all three locations had high hardness levels, with a measurement of 15 particles per gallon. This indicated that the water contained a significant amount of minerals, making it hard water. The reviewer was disappointed with the results and recognized the need for a water softener to address this issue.

Installation Process

Use of Water Test Kit

As part of the installation process, the reviewer utilized the water test kit provided with the On The Go water softener. This allowed them to measure the effectiveness of the product over time by regularly testing the water hardness levels.

Application of Teflon Tape

To ensure a proper and secure connection, the reviewer applied Teflon tape to the fittings of the water softener. This step helps prevent leaks and ensures a tight seal, guaranteeing optimal performance and longevity of the product.

Connection with Water Connector Hose

The next step in the installation process involved connecting the water softener to the water source using a water connector hose. The reviewer emphasized the importance of following the instructions provided by On The Go to ensure a successful installation.

Working Principle of Water Softener

Resin-Based Attraction of Positive Particles

The reviewer explained the working principle of the On The Go water softener, which is based on a resin that attracts positively charged particles. When water passes through the water softener, the positively charged minerals such as calcium and magnesium are effectively trapped by the resin, resulting in softened water.

Process of Regeneration or Refreshment

After a certain amount of water has been processed through the water softener, the resin becomes coated with the trapped minerals. To maintain optimal performance, the water softener needs to undergo a process called regeneration or refreshment. During this process, the resin is flushed out, removing the captured minerals and allowing the water softener to continue providing softened water.

Re-Testing Water Quality

Testing Water Hardness After Two Weeks

After two weeks of using the On The Go water softener, the reviewer conducted another round of water hardness testing. This was to determine whether the water softener had effectively reduced the hardness levels in the RV’s water supply.

Zero Hardness in All Three Locations

To the reviewer’s delight, the re-testing showed that the water hardness in all three locations had dropped to zero particles per gallon. This indicated that the On The Go water softener had successfully softened the water, achieving the desired outcome and confirming the product’s effectiveness.

Reviewer’s Satisfaction and Recommendation

Expressing Satisfaction with the On The Go Water Softener

Based on their experience and the notable improvement in water quality, the reviewer expressed their satisfaction with the On The Go water softener. They highlighted how the softened water had made a noticeable difference in various aspects of their everyday life, from showering to washing dishes, and even in the taste of their drinking water.

Recommendation to Install the Product Sooner

Reflecting on their experience, the reviewer mentioned that their only regret was not installing the water softener sooner. They realized the potential issues caused by hard water, such as plumbing damage and appliance lifespan reduction. Therefore, they strongly recommended others to consider installing the On The Go water softener as early as possible to enjoy the benefits it offers.

Sharing Coupon Code for Purchasing the Water Softener

In a generous gesture towards their viewers, the reviewer provided a coupon code that can be used to purchase the On The Go water softener. By including this coupon code, the reviewer aimed to help others save money while investing in a product that greatly improves water quality and overall living experience.

In conclusion, the comprehensive review of the On The Go Portable 16,000 Grain RV Water Softener showcased the multitude of benefits offered by using a water softener. From reducing mineral buildup to extending the lifespan of appliances, this product proved to be a game-changer for the reviewer. The thorough testing, satisfaction, and recommendation presented a compelling case for anyone considering investing in the On The Go water softener.

Happy Hour with Gary and Carol @RVLivingLIFE

Happy Hour with Gary and Carol @RVLivingLIFE

Hey there! Welcome to “Happy Hour with Gary and Carol @RVLivingLIFE.” In this video, Gary and Carol are in Bronte Provincial Park in Canada. They share their plans to go to Palm Springs in the winter and Carol talks about her work at LCBO, the liquor store in Ontario. They discuss their upcoming trip to various destinations, including Mount Rushmore, Sedona, and Quartzsite. They also mention the repairs they have been working on in their RV and their experience of mowing the grass in their campsite. They stay in the park for 20 days at a time and then visit a winery for one night. They mention meeting a cowboy biker in Niagara Falls and the possibility of meeting up there. Carol also talks about her side job as a nanny. Their daughter and son will be joining them in December, and they have rented a cabin for two weeks. They are excited to experience California and invite others to join them. They discuss their friends with a similar RV and mention having dinner together in different locations. They share their experiences of visiting Mount Rushmore, the Needle Highway, Devil’s Tower, and various other attractions. They provide insights into different parks, such as Bronte Provincial Park, and talk about their plans to visit Milwaukee for repairs and to visit the Harley-Davidson Museum. They also discuss their travel plans to Oshkosh, Sturgeon Bay, Fargo, and the Northern Peninsula. They mention the challenges and conveniences of propane usage and staying in different locations like Walmart or Cracker Barrel. They touch on various topics, including gas prices, health insurance coverage, and their upcoming trip to Northern Ontario. The video wraps up with some miscellaneous topics and the hosts thanking viewers for joining them for happy hour.

Happy Hour with Gary and Carol @RVLivingLIFE

Setting and Plans

Welcome back to another Happy Hour with Gary and Carol from RVLivingLIFE! We are currently in the beautiful Bronte Provincial Park in Canada, enjoying the stunning views and peaceful surroundings. Our plans for the future include a winter trip to Palm Springs, where we can escape the cold and soak up the sun. We are excited about exploring new places and creating unforgettable memories along the way.

Repairing and Maintenance

In the past few weeks, we have been working on some necessary repairs and maintenance in our RV. As many of you know, owning an RV comes with its fair share of challenges, but we always try to stay on top of things and keep our rig in the best possible condition. We recently had to fix a leak in the basement, repair the floor, and tackle some plumbing issues. It took some effort, but we are proud to say that everything is now working smoothly, and we can focus on enjoying our travels without any worries.

Working and Side Jobs

While living the RV lifestyle, we also have to make a living. Carol is currently working at LCBO, the liquor store in Ontario, during the summer. It’s a fun and fulfilling job that allows her to interact with people and learn about different types of alcohol. In addition to her regular job, Carol also works as a nanny, which gives her the opportunity to spend time with children and make a positive impact in their lives. We believe in finding ways to support ourselves while still enjoying the freedom and flexibility that RV living offers.

Upcoming Trip to California

One of our exciting upcoming trips is to California! We have planned various stops along the way, such as Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, Sedona, and Quartzsite. Although we haven’t finalized all the details yet, we are looking forward to exploring these incredible destinations and experiencing the natural beauty they have to offer. We will be traveling with our children in December, renting a cabin and spending two weeks in California. It will be their first time visiting, and we can’t wait to share this adventure with them.

Dinner with Friends

One of the highlights of our RV journey is the opportunity to meet and connect with fellow RVers and make lifelong friends. We have been fortunate enough to meet another couple who also have an RV that is similar to ours. We recently had dinner together and enjoyed each other’s company. Sometimes, we would have our meals in someone’s yard or campsite, adding an extra touch of camaraderie. These gatherings usually take place around 5pm and we all head back to our homes around 6:30pm. It’s a wonderful way to bond and share stories of our travels.

Places of Interest

During our dinner conversation, we discussed various places of interest that we have visited or plan to visit. One attraction that impressed us was Mount Rushmore. It is truly awe-inspiring both from a distance and up close. We also heard about the Crazy Horse Memorial, but we were informed that it may not be worth visiting yet. Another stunning location we mentioned is the Needle Highway, which presents a unique challenge while driving. We recalled a memorable trip to Aurora, Ontario, where we purchased a Jeep Trailhawk. Additionally, we chatted about Devil’s Tower, known for its connection to the movie Close Encounters, and the excitement of filming the Needles Highway. There is also a narrow one-mile drive in a park in Thousand Trails, Arizona, that offers a thrilling experience.

National and State Parks

As avid lovers of nature, we can’t help but appreciate the beauty of national and state parks. One park that caught our interest is Bronte Provincial Park, where we are currently staying. It offers stunning views and peaceful surroundings, making it an ideal spot for relaxation. We also discussed the booking process for national or state parks and the challenges of securing a 50 amp service. Nonetheless, we always make an effort to explore these parks and enjoy all that nature has to offer.

Niagara Falls and Surrounding Attractions

We are fortunate to be close to Niagara Falls, a world-renowned natural wonder. We mentioned various attractions, such as the famous tunnel behind the falls and the thrilling ferry ride. We also talked about Hell’s Gate and its cable car, as well as speed boat rides in the river. The area surrounding Niagara Falls is filled with touristy activities, museums, wax museums, and restaurants, making it a perfect destination for both entertainment and natural beauty.

Discussion with New Viewer

During our live session, we had the pleasure of welcoming a new viewer named Thomas. We invited him to share his location and travel experiences, and it was delightful to exchange stories and connect with someone new. We always enjoy engaging with our viewers and hearing about their adventures on the road.

RV Tips and Maintenance

Maintaining an RV and keeping it in top shape is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable journey. Throughout our video, we shared some of the repairs and maintenance work we have done on our own rig. We also discussed the challenges of propane usage and the convenience of Extended Stay propane. From dealing with bedroom slide issues to planning a visit to Milwaukee for repairs and a trip to the Harley-Davidson Museum, we strive to keep our RV in excellent condition while enjoying the freedom of the open road.

Travel Plans and Locations

As full-time RVers, we always have a list of travel plans and potential locations to visit. We mentioned our upcoming trips to Oshkosh, Sturgeon Bay, Fargo, and the Northern Peninsula. Each destination offers unique attractions and beautiful scenery that we can’t wait to explore. We also mentioned the Thousand Trails campground in Illinois, with its numerous sites, and the joy of staying at Walmart or Cracker Barrel during our travels.

Gas Prices and Camping Spots

Fuel is one of the major expenses when traveling by RV, and gas prices can vary greatly depending on the location. We talked about the high gas prices in Canada, as well as the expensive rates in Illinois compared to other states. However, we found that gas prices were more affordable in Pahrump, near the California border. We also discussed the crowded nature of the Thousand Trails park in Vegas and the spacious lots in Trails Collection in Illinois. Lastly, we touched on the benefits of spending the summer in a smaller park to explore the area and enjoy the peacefulness and friendliness of the people around.


As we wrapped up our Happy Hour session, we expressed our excitement for the upcoming Memorial Day and the opportunity to honor those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. We also shared our plans to visit family in Northern Ontario before heading south in October. The weather in Milwaukee was mentioned, and we discussed the temperatures during the day and night, as well as the use of propane and electric heaters to keep warm. We talked about the convenience of Walmart and Cracker Barrel as overnight stays and the ability to find maps of Walmart locations across the country. Our conversation ended with fun anecdotes and a reminder to always enjoy the little moments and adventures that RV life has to offer.

Mounting the ON THE GO water softener inside

Mounting the ON THE GO water softener inside

Hey everyone. You may be interested in mounting the ON THE GO water softener inside. Here’s how you can do it. Love the result.

PLEASE NOTE: Coupon Code and Links below.

This is a sponsored video by ON THE GO, and you can find a coupon code and a link to get a discount directly from their site.

  • USE coupon code: RVLivingLIFE to save 10 percent at On the go Official site.(link)

  • Water meter. (link)

  • Stainless Steel Hose. (link)

  • Quick Connects. (link)

  • Hose bib. (link)

  • Camco Water Filter. (link)

Please note: Any link you click on or social media sites may be an affiliate link where we may make a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. Hey there! In this article, we’re going to show you how to mount the ON THE GO water softener inside your RV. We understand that constantly moving the water softener in and out can be a hassle, so we found a way to simplify things for you. By attaching the softener to the wall and using quick connects, you’ll be able to easily remove and flush it when needed. We’ll also guide you on how to install faucets with on/off switches and connect them to the softener for better control. Plus, we’ll share a water test result and recommend high-quality stainless steel hoses for the setup. By the end of this article, you’ll have a secure and efficient water softening system inside your RV. Stay tuned!

Moving the ON THE GO water softener inside your RV is a great way to streamline your water filtration process. This article will guide you step-by-step as we demonstrate the mounting process and offer helpful tips along the way. We’ll show you how to remove unnecessary equipment, install faucets with on/off switches, and connect the softener using high-quality stainless steel hoses. With these modifications, you’ll have a secure and effective water softening system on the go. So, let’s get started and make your RV water experience even better!

Mounting the ON THE GO Water Softener Inside


Are you tired of the hassle of constantly moving your ON THE GO water softener in and out of your RV? Mounting it inside your vehicle can provide a convenient solution. In this article, we will guide you through the process of mounting your water softener inside, highlighting the benefits and providing step-by-step instructions. Say goodbye to the inconvenience of constantly removing and reinstalling your water softener, and enjoy the ease of having it permanently mounted in your RV.

Benefits of Mounting the Water Softener Inside

There are several advantages to mounting your water softener inside your RV. Firstly, it eliminates the need to constantly remove and reinstall the softener when you’re on the move. This saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on enjoying your travels. Additionally, having the softener inside reduces the risk of damage from external factors such as extreme weather conditions or accidental bumps. Finally, mounting the softener inside ensures easy access and prevents any potential theft or tampering.

Tools and Materials Needed

Before you begin the installation process, gather the necessary tools and materials:

  • Water meter
  • Stainless Steel Hose
  • Quick Connects
  • Hose bib
  • Camco Water Filter
  • Screws (appropriate size for mounting faucets)
  • Strap or other securing method

Preparing the Installation Area

Start by preparing the installation area inside your RV. Remove any unnecessary components, such as the existing whole house filter or any temperature thermostats that may be obstructing the mounting space. Clearing the area will provide a clean and open space for securing the water softener.

Removing Unnecessary Components

Next, remove the hardware that held the previous components in place. This may include screws, brackets, or any other mounting mechanisms. Ensure that the area is completely cleared before proceeding to the next steps.

Choosing the Location for Mounting

Carefully choose the location where you want to mount the water softener inside your RV. Ideally, find a spot that is easily accessible and away from any potential obstructions. Consider factors such as the height of the spot, ease of connecting hoses, and proximity to the water source. Once you have selected the location, mark the positions where you will mount the faucets onto the wall.

Installing Quick Connects

To allow for easy removal and reinstallation of the water softener, install quick connects on the hoses. These quick connects will ensure a secure connection while also providing the flexibility to detach the softener when needed. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to properly install the quick connects on the hoses.

Attaching Faucets to the Wall

Using the marked positions as a guide, mount the faucets onto the wall. Ensure that the faucets are securely attached using screws appropriate for the wall material of your RV. Double-check that the faucets are level and aligned properly.

Connecting the Hoses

Once the faucets are securely mounted, connect the hoses to them. Ensure a tight and secure connection, but be careful not to overtighten, as this may cause damage to the hoses or faucets.

Securing the Softener in Place

To prevent any movement or potential damage while on the road, secure the water softener in place using a strap or other means. The strap should be placed around the neck of the bottle and attached to the RV’s interior, such as through existing holes in the wall. The strap should be tight enough to keep the softener in place, but not overly tight to avoid damaging the bottle.

Testing and Checking for Leaks

Before using the mounted water softener, it is crucial to test and check for any leaks. Open the water source and check that water is flowing correctly through the hoses and into the softener. Inspect all connections for any signs of leaks, and tighten them if necessary. Ensure that there are no leaks or water seepage before considering the installation process complete.


Mounting your ON THE GO water softener inside your RV is a convenient and practical solution to eliminate the constant need for removal and reinstallation. The process involves preparing the installation area, removing unnecessary components, choosing a suitable location, installing quick connects and faucets, connecting the hoses, and securing the softener in place. Finally, thoroughly test the system for any leaks and ensure that everything is in working order. With your water softener permanently mounted inside your RV, you can enjoy the benefits of soft water without the hassle. So say goodbye to the inconvenience and hello to an easier, more efficient water softener setup in your RV!

Installation of LED Underglow on a 45-foot Coach

Installation of LED Underglow on a 45-foot Coach

Check out the magical musical light show with our LED Underglow light system for your 45-foot coach. Here’s how we installed it on our own coach.

To start, we used four underglow sets, but the great thing is that the brand we used allows you to control up to six sets using the same app. You can control them separately or together, which gives you a fantastic effect. If you only had one set, the result wouldn’t be as impressive. Having multiple sets working together allows for multiple colors to be shown simultaneously.

Keep in mind that a light show like this is not something we would typically do in a crowded campground. In those cases, we usually keep the underglow in a solid color like blue to avoid being obnoxious or annoying to our neighbors. However, if you’re in a more private campsite or boondocking, why not have some fun with lights and music for your own enjoyment?

By the way, did you see Lexi’s photobomb? It was hilarious!

We are currently working on the installation video, which will be our next release. Stay tuned for that!

Now, let’s talk about the items we used for installing the LED Underglow system on our coach:

Please Note: Any links we provide on social media could be affiliate links, where we may make a small commission if you purchase after using the link. This is at no expense to you. Thank you for your support! In RVLivingLIFE’s latest video, they showcase the installation of LED underglow lights on a 45-foot coach. The video demonstrates the process of using four underglow sets, which can be controlled separately or together through an app. Multiple sets allow for the display of various colors simultaneously, creating a visually appealing effect. While these vibrant lights are not typically used in crowded campgrounds to avoid being obnoxious, they can add an element of fun to more private campsites or boondocking experiences.

The installation video, currently in production, will be released soon. The materials used for the installation include an LED underglow kit, LED light extension cables, as well as various items for wire protection and securing. RVLivingLIFE’s video showcases the detailed installation process, from crawling underneath the coach to connecting the lines, to properly bundling and securing the wiring and cables. The LED underglow lights can be controlled using a mobile app, offering users the options of different colors and lighting effects.


Welcome to this comprehensive article on the installation of LED underglow lights on a 45-foot Coach. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing these lights, from planning to execution. We will also discuss different options for control and customization, as well as considerations for various campsites. Whether you’re a fan of the RVLivingLIFE YouTube channel or simply interested in adding some flair to your own coach, this article will provide all the information you need to get started. So let’s dive in!

Materials Needed

Before we begin, let’s gather all the necessary materials to complete this installation. Here’s a list of what you will need:

  • LED underglow kit
  • LED light extension cables
  • Heat shrink wire connectors for battery connection
  • Large wire wrap for wire bundle
  • Wire loom for wire protection
  • U-shaped clamps to secure wires
  • Screws to secure the clamps

These items can be easily found online or at your local automotive supply store.


To provide some context, let’s briefly discuss the background of this LED underglow installation. RVLivingLIFE, a popular YouTube channel, created a video showcasing the installation of LED underglow lights on their 45-foot Coach. They ordered the underglow lights online from Amazon, which came in kits consisting of three-foot and four-foot long strips. The installation process took some time and effort, but the end result was well worth it.

Planning the Installation

Before diving into the installation process, it’s important to plan it out properly. Start by assessing your coach’s layout and determining the desired lighting effect. Consider which areas you want to highlight and how you want the lights to be positioned. Once you have a clear vision in mind, choose the appropriate underglow sets that will fit your coach’s dimensions and provide the desired lighting effect.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Now, let’s go through the step-by-step process of installing the LED underglow lights on your coach.

  1. Prepare the work area: Start by clearing out any obstacles and creating a clean workspace.
  2. Remove the existing floor coverings: If necessary, remove any floor coverings to access the underside of the coach.
  3. Install the underglow lights: Begin attaching the underglow lights to the underside of the coach using adhesive backing or mounting brackets.
  4. Secure the lights: Ensure the lights are securely fastened using U-shaped clamps, screws, and zip ties. This will prevent any movement or damage while on the road.
  5. Connect the wires and cables: Connect the wires and cables from the underglow lights to the power source using heat shrink wire connectors. This will ensure a secure and reliable connection.
  6. Properly bundle and secure the wiring: Use a large wire wrap or wire loom to bundle and protect the wiring. This will prevent any damage or interference with other components of the coach.

Control and Customization

LED underglow lights often come with mobile app control, allowing you to change colors and lighting effects. Take advantage of this feature to customize the lighting according to your preferences. Experiment with different colors and effects to create the desired atmosphere inside and outside your coach.

Considerations for Various Campsites

It’s essential to consider the environment when using LED underglow lights in different campsites. In tightly packed campgrounds, it’s best to use solid colors, such as blue, to avoid being obnoxious or annoying to fellow campers. However, in more private campsites or during boondocking, you can have fun with lights and music to enhance your own enjoyment.

Challenges and Tips

While installing LED underglow lights can be a fun project, it does come with its challenges. One of the main challenges is crawling underneath the coach to connect the wires. This can be time-consuming and physically demanding. However, with patience and determination, it can be accomplished. Additionally, it’s important to allocate enough time for the installation process, as it may take longer than expected.


Congratulations! You have now learned how to install LED underglow lights on your coach. We hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with all the necessary information to complete the installation successfully. Remember to take your time, plan accordingly, and have fun with the customization options. Whether you’re using them in crowded campgrounds or enjoying a private campsite, LED underglow lights can add a touch of magic to your RVing experience. Stay tuned for the release of the RVLivingLIFE installation video for additional visual guidance.

Roof Leak Investigation: Sudden Water Drip Mystery

Roof Leak Investigation: Sudden Water Drip Mystery

Hey guys, good morning! It’s Gary from RV Living Life, and I want to share something that recently happened to us. Out of nowhere, we started experiencing a fast dripping roof leak. Back in 2021, we had a water leak that we couldn’t figure out, so we covered the entire roof with tournament tape, which seemed to solve the issue. However, after a heavy downpour, we noticed another water leak, and I’m determined to investigate its source. I’ve examined the tape we applied in 2021, and it looks great with no signs of water leakage. From the inside, I’ve determined that the water must be coming from a specific area, as it drips onto the dash when I tilt the coach forward or into the first light socket when I tip the coach back. It can’t be the tape or the Wine Guard we installed, so the only option left is the air conditioner. I’ll be taking it off to see if it’s leaking through the base. Stay tuned for the investigation!

Introduction to the roof leak issue

Hey there! Have you ever experienced a sudden roof leak during a downpour? It can be quite a frustrating and worrisome situation. In the RV living community, roof leaks are a common occurrence and can cause significant damage if not addressed promptly. In this article, we will discuss a recent roof leak issue faced by Gary from RV Living Life and his investigation to identify and fix the source of the leak. So, let’s dive in and learn more about this intriguing problem!

Previous water leak in 2021

Before we delve into the recent roof leak, let’s take a moment to look back at a previous water leak that occurred in 2021. Gary and his team experienced a water leak back then, and despite their best efforts, they were unable to identify the source of the problem. To resolve the issue temporarily, they covered the entire roof with Tournament tape, which seemed to do the trick. The leak stopped, and they thought they had successfully resolved the problem. Little did they know that another challenge awaited them.

Recent water leak after a downpour

Recently, Gary noticed another water leak following a heavy downpour. This came as a surprise since they had previously taken measures to address the issue. Determined to find the source of the leak, he began investigating various possible sources, hoping to put an end to these frustrating leaks once and for all.

Investigation of the possible leak sources

Gary started his investigation by examining the tape they had applied to the roof in 2021. Upon inspection, he found that the tape was in good condition, and there were no visible signs of water leakage. This ruled out the tape as the culprit of the recent leak. He then turned his attention to the Wine Guard, a feature he had installed during his time in Florida. Gary had taken precautions by using dicor to seal the area, so he didn’t suspect it to be the cause either.

Inspection of the air conditioner

Left with limited options, Gary honed in on the air conditioner. He noticed that the air conditioner had been replaced during their visit to Ontario, Canada, after it had stopped functioning properly in Florida in early 2022. Considering that the air conditioner’s base could potentially be the source of the leak, Gary made the decision to remove it for a closer inspection.

Discovering loose bolts on the air conditioner

As he explored the internal components of the air conditioner, Gary discovered something alarming – the bolts securing the air conditioner were surprisingly loose. This revelation shed light on a possible explanation for the roof leak. Loose bolts could allow water to seep through the base of the air conditioner, causing water to infiltrate the roof.

Tightening the bolts to prevent water leakage

Taking matters into his own hands, Gary grabbed a torque wrench and began tightening the loose bolts. The recommended torque for these bolts was 40 inch pounds, but upon inspection, he found that they had not been tightened properly. Gary meticulously tightened each bolt to the required torque, ensuring a secure and leak-free air conditioner installation.

Testing the roof for leaks

With the air conditioner resecured, Gary wanted to ensure that the repairs had been effective. He conducted several tests to simulate water ponding on the roof and observe the water drainage. By running a hose onto the roof, he created a controlled environment to observe any potential leaks.

Conclusion of the leak investigation process

After extensive testing and analysis, Gary was relieved to find that the roof was no longer leaking. It appeared that the issue had indeed stemmed from the loose bolts on the air conditioner. Despite going through various challenges and uncertainties, Gary had successfully resolved the roof leak problem and prevented further damage to his RV.

In conclusion, dealing with a roof leak can be a daunting task, but with thorough investigation and proper repairs, it is possible to overcome this issue. Gary’s experience serves as a valuable reminder to always inspect the different components of your RV, even those that may seem unrelated to a leak. By doing so, you can prevent potential damages and ensure a safe and enjoyable RV living experience.

Exciting New Update for the Micro Air Easy Touch with Enhanced Scheduling Options

Exciting New Update for the Micro Air Easy Touch with Enhanced Scheduling Options

You will love the exciting new update for the Micro Air Easy Touch with enhanced scheduling options. The new scheduling feature is absolutely fantastic! Check out the Easy Touch part 2 on the Micro Air Easy Stat RV. Here’s the link to get yours: Micro Air Easy Stat RV. Please note that this video assumes you have watched our first video on Micro-Air EasyTouch RV Installation or have previous knowledge of how the Easy Touch works. Enjoy the enhanced scheduling options! Hey there! Let me tell you about the exciting new update for the Micro Air Easy Touch. This update comes with enhanced scheduling options that give you even more flexibility and control over your heating and cooling sources. The previous version only allowed for selecting one source, but now you can auto-switch between sources, ensuring optimal comfort in every zone of your RV. The narrator in the video expresses their excitement about this update and demonstrates how the scheduling works for different zones. They also explain the new scheduling interface and provide an example of how to set up a schedule for your specific needs. This update truly takes the Easy Touch system to the next level, and we think you’re going to love it!

Hey guys, Gary here from RV Living Life. Today I want to talk to you about the fantastic new update for the Micro Air Easy Touch. I reached out to the company before because I loved the system but wasn’t satisfied with the scheduling options. Well, they listened, and now we have an update that allows you to select specific heating or cooling sources for each zone according to your schedule. This is a game-changer! In the video, I walk you through how the new scheduling works and provide examples of different settings for each zone. Trust me, this update gives you the flexibility and customization you’ve been waiting for. You don’t want to miss it!

Introduction to the Micro Air Easy Touch update

Overview of the new update

The Micro Air Easy Touch has received an exciting new update that brings enhanced scheduling options. This update allows for more flexibility and customization when it comes to selecting heating and cooling sources for different zones in your RV. In this article, we will explore the new features of the update and provide a comprehensive guide on how to make the most of the scheduling options.

Excitement about the enhanced scheduling options

As enthusiasts of the Micro Air Easy Touch system, we are thrilled about the new scheduling options that the update brings. The previous limitations with scheduling only allowed for one heating or cooling source to be selected, making it difficult to optimize comfort according to changing weather conditions. With the new update, auto switching between heating and cooling sources is introduced, giving users more control and efficiency in maintaining the desired temperature in their RV.

Auto Switching between Heating and Cooling Sources

Previous limitations with scheduling

Before the update, scheduling in the Micro Air Easy Touch system had its limitations. Users could only select one heating or cooling source and had to stick with it throughout the scheduled period. This meant that if the weather conditions suddenly changed, the desired temperature could not be maintained efficiently, and manual adjustments were required.

Introduction of auto switching feature

The new update introduces the auto switching feature, which allows the system to automatically switch between heating and cooling sources based on the temperature conditions. This feature ensures that the desired temperature is maintained without the need for manual adjustments, providing convenience and comfort for RV owners.

Benefits of auto switching

The auto switching feature brings several benefits to the Micro Air Easy Touch system. Firstly, it eliminates the hassle of constantly monitoring and adjusting the temperature settings, saving time and effort. Secondly, it ensures optimal comfort by automatically adapting to changing weather conditions. Lastly, it promotes energy efficiency as the system intelligently selects the most appropriate heating or cooling source based on the external temperature, reducing unnecessary energy consumption.

Selecting Heating or Cooling Sources for Each Zone

Explanation of new feature

In addition to the auto switching feature, the update also includes the ability to select specific heating or cooling sources for each zone in your RV. This customization option allows users to optimize comfort and energy efficiency according to the specific needs of each area.

Customization options for different zones

With the new update, users can now choose different heating or cooling sources for each zone in their RV. For example, in Zone one, which is located at the front of the coach, users can select the heat pump for cooling and heating. In Zone two, which is the middle area, users can choose the furnace to heat the floor. And in Zone three, which is at the rear, users can utilize the heat pump for both cooling and heating.

Practical example with different sources for each zone

Let’s consider a practical example to better understand the customization options. Suppose it’s springtime, and the temperatures fluctuate between cool nights and hot days. In the morning at 6:15 am, you can set the floor heat to 78 degrees in Zone one to ensure a cozy start to the day. This is especially beneficial in the spring when temperatures can be unpredictable.

For the evening in Zone one, you can set the temperature to 77 for cooling and 72 for warmth. By using the heat pump instead of propane, you can save fuel and relieve strain on the aqua hot system. Additionally, switching to cool and furnace allows you to heat the front of the coach using electric heat, further optimizing energy efficiency. Finally, at 8 am, you can switch back to floor heat or furnace to blow on the registers during the day.

Understanding the New Scheduling Interface

Walkthrough of the updated interface

The new scheduling interface in the Micro Air Easy Touch update provides intuitive controls for setting up and managing your schedule. The interface has been redesigned to offer a more user-friendly experience, making it easier than ever to customize the heating and cooling sources for each zone in your RV.

Step-by-step example of setting up a schedule

To demonstrate how the new scheduling interface works, let’s go through a step-by-step example. Suppose you want to set up a schedule for different zones on a typical spring day. You can follow these instructions:

  1. Open the scheduling interface and select the day you want to customize, in this case, Sunday.
  2. Choose the desired time, such as 6:30 am, and specify the temperature settings for Zone three, which is the bedroom. You can set it to cool and furnace, with temperatures of 75 and 70 degrees respectively.
  3. Continue setting up the schedule for the other zones and times according to your preferences. For example, at 8 am in Zone one, you can set it to cool to 77 degrees and heat to 72 degrees.
  4. Duplicate the same settings at 7 pm for Zone one if you want to maintain the same temperature throughout the day.

Tips for efficient scheduling

To make the most of the scheduling options, here are a few tips:

  1. Take into account the specific needs of each zone in your RV. Consider factors such as sunlight exposure, insulation, and usage patterns to determine the optimal heating and cooling sources.
  2. Experiment with different settings to find the perfect balance between comfort and energy efficiency. The scheduling interface allows for easy adjustments, so don’t be afraid to try different combinations and observe the results.
  3. Regularly review and update your schedule to ensure that it aligns with your current needs and preferences. Weather conditions may change throughout the year, so staying adaptable and flexible is key.

Referencing the Detailed Information Video

Explanation of the previous video

If you want more in-depth information on setting up and using the Micro Air system, we recommend watching our previous video. This video provides detailed tutorials and insights into the various features and functions of the Easy Touch system, including the scheduling options. You can find the link to the video in the description or on the screen.

Additional information on setting up and using the Micro Air system

In addition to the previous video, we also encourage you to explore the Micro Air website and user manual for more resources and information on setting up and using the system. These resources offer comprehensive guides and troubleshooting tips to ensure that you get the most out of your Easy Touch system.

Setting up a Springtime Schedule

Adjusting floor heat to 78 degrees in the morning

In the springtime, when temperatures fluctuate between cool nights and hot days, it’s essential to have a schedule that can adapt to these changes. By adjusting the floor heat to 78 degrees in the morning, you can ensure a comfortable start to the day.

Reason for using floor heat in spring

Using floor heat in the spring has multiple benefits. Firstly, it compensates for the fluctuating temperatures by providing a consistent and cozy environment. Secondly, it reduces the reliance on other heating sources, such as the heat pump or furnace, which can help save energy and lower fuel consumption.

Temperature settings for evening in Zone one

In the evening, you can set the temperature to 77 degrees for cooling and 72 degrees for warmth in Zone one. This allows you to optimize the usage of the heat pump and ensure comfort during the evening hours.

Using heat pump instead of propane

Opting to use the heat pump instead of propane offers several advantages. Firstly, it promotes energy efficiency as the heat pump utilizes electrical energy rather than fuel. Secondly, it reduces the strain on the aqua hot system, prolonging its lifespan and minimizing maintenance requirements.

Benefits of switching to cool and furnace

Switching to cool and furnace in Zone one allows for a more balanced and efficient heating and cooling system. By using electric heat to warm the front of the coach, you alleviate the load on the aqua hot system, reducing fuel consumption and promoting longevity.

Switching back to floor heat during the day

During the day, you can switch back to floor heat or furnace to blow on the registers in Zone one. This ensures that the warm air circulates throughout the coach, maintaining a comfortable environment.

Customizing Heat and Cooling Sources

Flexibility of the new scheduling feature

The new scheduling feature in the Micro Air Easy Touch update offers unparalleled flexibility when it comes to customizing heat and cooling sources. Users have the freedom to select different options for each zone, ensuring optimal comfort and energy efficiency throughout their RV.

Personalized settings based on schedule

With the customization options available, users can personalize their heat and cooling settings based on their schedule and preferences. Whether it’s adjusting the temperature for different times of the day or selecting specific sources for each zone, the Easy Touch system allows for a tailored experience.

Appreciation for the customization options

As enthusiastic users of the Micro Air Easy Touch system, we are grateful for the customization options provided by the update. The ability to adapt and fine-tune the settings according to our specific needs and preferences enhances our overall experience and makes RV living even more enjoyable.

Copying Events to Other Days

Feature for easy duplication of events

To simplify scheduling and save time, the Micro Air Easy Touch update includes a feature that allows users to copy events to other days with ease. This feature eliminates the need to manually input the same settings for multiple days, streamlining the scheduling process.

Separate events on different days

The ability to copy events to other days does not mean that all days must have identical settings. Users have the flexibility to create separate events for different days, allowing for unique schedules that align with their specific requirements.

Enhancing scheduling flexibility

By enabling the copying of events, the Easy Touch system enhances scheduling flexibility. Users can choose to have consistent settings across multiple days or create individualized schedules for each day of the week. This feature provides convenience and adaptability, accommodating various lifestyles and preferences.


We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive overview of the new update for the Micro Air Easy Touch system. The enhanced scheduling options, including auto switching between heating and cooling sources and customization for each zone, offer a new level of convenience and flexibility for RV owners.

We encourage you to explore the new scheduling interface and experiment with different settings to find the perfect balance between comfort and energy efficiency. Don’t forget to check out the previous video and additional resources for more detailed information on setting up and using the Micro Air system.

Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey of the Micro Air Easy Touch update. We appreciate your support and encourage you to like, subscribe, and leave comments on our channel. Happy RV living with the Micro Air Easy Touch!

Resolving Front AC Unit Issues: Never-ending Operation

Resolving Front AC Unit Issues: Never-ending Operation

Hey guys, today we’re going to resolve an issue we’re having with our front air conditioner. The sun comes up and it never shuts off, running all day until the sun goes back down. This is not great because the other air conditioners hardly get to do any work. We’re going to see if we can resolve this issue today and find a solution to make all the air conditioners work more efficiently. In the video by RVLivingLIFE, Gary explains how the front AC unit never shuts off when the sun is out, while the other two units barely come on. He shows the sensors in the coach and the one on the front wall that is causing the issue. He removes the sensor and records how quickly the temperature drops. By pulling the sensor out and letting it hang in the open air, the air conditioner temperature goes from 90 degrees to 79 degrees in just a few minutes, and it finally shuts off. Gary then experiments with different ways to keep the sensor out of the cabinet, allowing the other air conditioners in the coach to run more effectively. With a simple fix and a little ingenuity, he successfully resolves the issue.

Issue with the front AC unit

Front AC unit never shuts off during the day

One common issue that RV owners may face is the front AC unit never shutting off during the day. This can be quite inconvenient, as it leads to increased energy consumption and unnecessary wear and tear on the unit. Additionally, if the front AC unit is running constantly, the other AC units in the RV may not have the opportunity to operate as much, resulting in an imbalance in cooling throughout the coach.

Understanding the problem

To effectively address this issue, it is important to understand its underlying causes. In this case, the front of the coach has a lot of glass and windows, which leads to increased heat gain from the sun. Moreover, the cabinet that houses the temperature sensor for the front AC unit is located on an outside wall. On the other hand, the sensors for the other AC units are placed on inside walls. This difference in positioning can contribute to the front AC unit running constantly, as it may be more affected by the heat from the sun.

Removing the sensor

One potential solution to the problem is to remove the temperature sensor from its current location. By taking out the sensor, it is possible to observe how the temperature in the area changes and whether that influences the behavior of the AC unit. When the sensor is pulled out, it is likely that the temperature will drop significantly within a few minutes. This drop in temperature can be a positive sign, as it indicates that the air conditioner may shut off once the desired temperature level is reached.

Temporary fixing the issue

In the interim, while a more permanent solution is being sought, one way to alleviate the problem is to leave the sensor hanging in the open air. By doing so, it is possible to monitor the temperature drop and observe if the AC unit shuts off accordingly. Additionally, placing a wet Kleenex over the sensor can help prevent the hot air around the cabinet from affecting its reading. Although this solution may appear makeshift, it can be effective in addressing the issue temporarily.

Creating a better solution

To create a more long-term and reliable solution, it is recommended to use long screws and the center core of a dog bag roll to hold the sensor out from the cabinet. By attaching the sensor with longer screws, it can be positioned away from the hot cabinet and exposed to air in order to obtain more accurate temperature readings. Once the sensor is securely held in place, the hole from which it was removed can be covered with tape and Kleenex to prevent any unwanted air leakage.

Testing the solution

After implementing the solution, it is crucial to test its effectiveness. Firstly, it is important to visually inspect if the sensor looks inconspicuous and secure in its new position. This ensures that the solution is aesthetically pleasing and does not interfere with the overall appearance of the RV. Furthermore, it is necessary to observe if both the front and middle AC units turn on and off as expected. This ensures that there is a balanced cooling system and that the temperature remains at the desired level throughout the RV.


By resolving the issue with the front AC unit, RV owners can ensure the proper functioning of all AC units in their coach. Simple solutions, such as removing the sensor and creating a makeshift holder, can be surprisingly effective. Addressing this issue not only improves energy efficiency and reduces wear and tear on the AC units, but also enhances the overall comfort of the RV.