Hey guys, good morning! It’s Gary from RV Living Life, and I want to share something that recently happened to us. Out of nowhere, we started experiencing a fast dripping roof leak. Back in 2021, we had a water leak that we couldn’t figure out, so we covered the entire roof with tournament tape, which seemed to solve the issue. However, after a heavy downpour, we noticed another water leak, and I’m determined to investigate its source. I’ve examined the tape we applied in 2021, and it looks great with no signs of water leakage. From the inside, I’ve determined that the water must be coming from a specific area, as it drips onto the dash when I tilt the coach forward or into the first light socket when I tip the coach back. It can’t be the tape or the Wine Guard we installed, so the only option left is the air conditioner. I’ll be taking it off to see if it’s leaking through the base. Stay tuned for the investigation!
Introduction to the roof leak issue
Hey there! Have you ever experienced a sudden roof leak during a downpour? It can be quite a frustrating and worrisome situation. In the RV living community, roof leaks are a common occurrence and can cause significant damage if not addressed promptly. In this article, we will discuss a recent roof leak issue faced by Gary from RV Living Life and his investigation to identify and fix the source of the leak. So, let’s dive in and learn more about this intriguing problem!
Previous water leak in 2021
Before we delve into the recent roof leak, let’s take a moment to look back at a previous water leak that occurred in 2021. Gary and his team experienced a water leak back then, and despite their best efforts, they were unable to identify the source of the problem. To resolve the issue temporarily, they covered the entire roof with Tournament tape, which seemed to do the trick. The leak stopped, and they thought they had successfully resolved the problem. Little did they know that another challenge awaited them.
Recent water leak after a downpour
Recently, Gary noticed another water leak following a heavy downpour. This came as a surprise since they had previously taken measures to address the issue. Determined to find the source of the leak, he began investigating various possible sources, hoping to put an end to these frustrating leaks once and for all.
Investigation of the possible leak sources
Gary started his investigation by examining the tape they had applied to the roof in 2021. Upon inspection, he found that the tape was in good condition, and there were no visible signs of water leakage. This ruled out the tape as the culprit of the recent leak. He then turned his attention to the Wine Guard, a feature he had installed during his time in Florida. Gary had taken precautions by using dicor to seal the area, so he didn’t suspect it to be the cause either.
Inspection of the air conditioner
Left with limited options, Gary honed in on the air conditioner. He noticed that the air conditioner had been replaced during their visit to Ontario, Canada, after it had stopped functioning properly in Florida in early 2022. Considering that the air conditioner’s base could potentially be the source of the leak, Gary made the decision to remove it for a closer inspection.
Discovering loose bolts on the air conditioner
As he explored the internal components of the air conditioner, Gary discovered something alarming – the bolts securing the air conditioner were surprisingly loose. This revelation shed light on a possible explanation for the roof leak. Loose bolts could allow water to seep through the base of the air conditioner, causing water to infiltrate the roof.
Tightening the bolts to prevent water leakage
Taking matters into his own hands, Gary grabbed a torque wrench and began tightening the loose bolts. The recommended torque for these bolts was 40 inch pounds, but upon inspection, he found that they had not been tightened properly. Gary meticulously tightened each bolt to the required torque, ensuring a secure and leak-free air conditioner installation.
Testing the roof for leaks
With the air conditioner resecured, Gary wanted to ensure that the repairs had been effective. He conducted several tests to simulate water ponding on the roof and observe the water drainage. By running a hose onto the roof, he created a controlled environment to observe any potential leaks.
Conclusion of the leak investigation process
After extensive testing and analysis, Gary was relieved to find that the roof was no longer leaking. It appeared that the issue had indeed stemmed from the loose bolts on the air conditioner. Despite going through various challenges and uncertainties, Gary had successfully resolved the roof leak problem and prevented further damage to his RV.
In conclusion, dealing with a roof leak can be a daunting task, but with thorough investigation and proper repairs, it is possible to overcome this issue. Gary’s experience serves as a valuable reminder to always inspect the different components of your RV, even those that may seem unrelated to a leak. By doing so, you can prevent potential damages and ensure a safe and enjoyable RV living experience.