Magical Musical Light show with our LED Underglow light system.
WE LOVE our underglow lights!. Grabbed it all off of Amazon, links below! The setup looks good and works great. We used four underglow sets and the brand we used allows up to six sets to be controlled in the same app. You can control them separately or together. I think if you only had one set the result would not be that great. Multiple sets working together allow multiple colours to be show at the same time giving it a great effect.
Please understand a light show like this is not something we would normally do in a tightly packed campground. We just leave the underglow in in a solid colour like blue. We don't want to be obnoxious or annoying. In a more private campsite or even boondocking why not have some fun with lights and music for our enjoyment.
Did you see Lexi's photobomb ? lol.
The installation video is in production and should be our next release.
These are the items we used to install the LED Underglow system
LED underglow kit
LED light extension cables
Heat shrink wire connectors for battery connection
Large wire wrap for wire bundle
Wire loom to protect wires
U shaped clamps to secure wires
Screws to secure clamps
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